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Recent Publications




Sánchez de Lollano Prieto, Joaquin and Alicia Sánchez Ortiz. "Contributions to Animal Ceroplastics: The Sculptor Cristobal Garrigo de Nis (1800-1863) and the Anatomical Cabinet of the Royal Veterinary School in Madrid." Nuncius 34:3 (2019): 635-660.


Bujwid, Odo. "From medicine to veterinary medicine."


Möllers, Georg and Michael Schimanski, “Der jüdische Tierarzt hat alles zurückzulassen: Das Erlöschen der Approbationen jüdischer Tierärzte im Nationalsozialismus.“ Deutsches Tierärzteblatt 67:2 (2019): 188-191.


Schäffer, Johann. „Gasteditorial: Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen.“ Deutsches Tierärzteblatt 67:2 (2019): 177.


Sobolewski, Jaroslaw. "The history of the production and application of veterinary medications and biological preparations in Poland from the nineteenth century to 1945."



Sánchez de Lollano Prieto, Joaquin and Alicia Sánchez Ortiz. ‘The ceroplastic collection of the Royal Veterinary School in Madrid: A history waiting to be recovered,’ Journal of the History of Collections, October 2018,


Sánchez Ortiz, Alicia, Elena Rodríguez González De Canales, Olga Cantos Martínez, Joaquín Sánchez De Lollano Prieto, ‘Comparative Study of Aqueous Cleaning Systems for Wax Sculptures,’ International Journal of Conservation Science Volume 9, Issue 4, October-December 2018: 653-666. The issue can be accessed via


Woods, Abigail, Michael Bresalier, Angela Cassidy, Rachel Mason Dentinger. Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and its Histories (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Website:





Recent Publications

Proceedings of Past Conferences


​South Africa 2020 - download here.


Bergen 2018 - it is no longer possible to download proceedings.


Vienna 2016 - it is no longer possible to download proceedings.


London 2014 - download here.


Utrecht 2012 - it is no longer possible to download proceedings.

Past Conference Proceedings

WAHVM 2018

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