Celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno, 1918 – 2018.
The University of Veterinary Science was founded in Brno in 1918 and teaching at the university began in 1919. This notable anniversary is also connected with the foundation of the Czechoslovak state in 1918.
The first chancellor of the university was Professor MVDr. Eduard Babák. One hundred and eighteen students enrolled in the first year and teaching took place in gradually renovated premises at the cavalry barracks and provincial training school.
One of the first new buildings built on the site was the building of the Department of Anatomy and Department of Pathological Anatomy.
(L) Professor MVDr. et MUDr. Edward Babák, first chancellor of the newly established University of Veterinary Science in Brn. (R) The new building for the Department of Anatomy and Department of Pathological Anatomy (1933)
In 1924 the university was visited by the first president of the new state T. G. Masaryk. The foundation of the University of Veterinary Science resulted from the new state’s awareness of the importance of the veterinary profession in assuring safe food for the population and protecting the country against animal infections and infections transmissible from animals to the human population.
The celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the university were held under the auspices of current Chancellor of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor MVDr. Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA in the week 15–19 October 2018.
The week saw a sitting of the Scientific Board, a ceremonial gathering of the academic community, the planting of a linden tree, the lighting of a ceremonial bonfire, the Lenfeld and Hökl Days, “Gold Diplomas” and a theatre performance.
(L) Ceremonial gathering in the Great Hall at the university (photo Jursa) (R) The chancellor lights the ceremonial bonfire
Afternoon sports tournaments and student parties were prepared for the student body, while there was also ceremonial matriculation for students in the first year of all three faculties.
Chancellor of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA awarded 100 medals to distinguished figures in academic and public life at a ceremonial gathering of representatives of the academic community and representatives of state, public and other institutions.
A university insignia was also issued to mark the anniversary and was distributed at a joint gathering of all the university’s graduate years held at Brno Exhibition Centre.
(L) The chancellor awarded a medal to chair of the Czech Rectors Conference Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc. (R) Medals and insignia to mark the university’s 100th anniversary
The ceremonial awarding of “Gold Diplomas” is a tradition that goes back to 1968 and ceremonially renews affiliation to the academic and professional body of our alma mater 50 years after graduation.
Graduates of the university 50 years after graduation
These ceremonial awards and the chance of meeting up 50 years after graduation are highly valued by the people honoured in this way and their families, and people from all over the world come to take part in the ceremony.
The ceremonial matriculation of students in the first year took place at the end of the celebrations to mark the anniversary of the university’s foundation, and a total of 576 students were admitted to the university’s three faculties – the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology and the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The matriculation of 1st year students
Over the course of a century, the university has demonstrated its importance in education, scientific research and academic work for the practical sphere, as well as its social importance.
We must wish it excellent teachers and talented and hard-working students in the century to come so it can continue to be a wonderful place to study for all its graduates in future years.
Karel Kovařík, DVM.
The Department of History at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno
Czech Republic.
Aerial view of the university site